In the past year my passion for food has risen to the forefront of my day to day life. I have come to realize the power of food to create memories and traditions. The "mess ups" provide opportunity to laugh while the good ones are wonderful to share.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Magic of Leftovers

Because of a "lovely" stomach virus, not alot of people in our family were up to eating as much as they would like to on Christmas Eve. The result: lots of leftovers!!!
So last night I got creative with dinner with a very yummy outcome! The menu last night was porkchops and potatoes. Kinda boring right?
Well, I used the leftovers of my goat cheese crostini to make a really yummy dinner.

Take 1 1/2 cups of balsamic vinegar. Bring to a boil, and then lower the heat to medium low, reduce by half. Add 1/2 cup of brown sugar and the left over cherry relish (recipe for the relish is in the previous post). Continue cooking until the mixture becomes syrupy. Then set aside.
Season the pork chops with salt and pepper. Sear each side on high heat and then move to a 250 degree oven till cooked thru. At least 160 degrees.
To serve, top with the balsamic reduction.

To use the rest of the goat cheese, I simply cooked up some hashbrowns with onions, and then sprinkled the goat cheese on top, right before serving. (hint: par cook the potatoes in a dish of water covered in saran wrap for 5 minutes in the microwave before you begin to fry them up)

The tang of the cherry relish works wonderfully with the fattyness of the pork, and the goat cheese adds a wonderful depth of flavor to the hashbrowns.

(I can't include any pictures because I left my camera at my inlaws Christmas day, and haven't gotten it back yet!)

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